All3Media Group and the Company believe in and wholeheartedly support the principle of providing equal opportunities to all applicants for employment and to all its employees and opposes all forms of discrimination on the grounds of race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin, age, religion or philosophical belief, gender, gender reassignment, marital or civil partner status, sexual orientation, political views, pregnancy, maternity, or disability. The Group does not operate differentials in salary or contractual terms based on any of these factors.
This policy applies to every employee who is involved in any aspect of the management of employment and to all employees who make decisions or recommendations concerning recruitment, remuneration, promotion, training, demotion, transfer and other terms, conditions or privileges of employment. It also applies to all employees in their relations with other employees.
The Group fully supports the rights and opportunities of all people to seek, obtain and hold employment without discrimination or harassment.
The Company is committed to advertising all vacancies internally where appropriate, and applications will be considered from all employees who are outside of their probationary periods.
It is against the policy of the Company for any employee to harass or discriminate against another employee or job applicant and such conduct will not be tolerated. All employees will be expected to comply with this policy and take appropriate measures to ensure that such conduct does not occur. Disciplinary action, which may include dismissal, will be taken against any employee who violates this policy.
All complaints of discrimination or harassment arising during employment, however minor, will be thoroughly investigated and, if substantiated, will result in appropriate disciplinary action. Similarly, any reports of discrimination during the recruitment process will be thoroughly investigated and appropriate action taken.
The Company will give every consideration to persons with disabilities and will make reasonable workplace adjustments as necessary in order to accommodate disabled persons. If a disabled person applies for employment, full and equal consideration will be given to employing that person.
All decisions or recommendations concerning appointment, promotion, job assignment, grievances, disciplinary action, termination and other terms, conditions or privileges of employment will be based on competence regardless of an employee’s race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin, age, religion or belief, gender, gender reassignment, marital or civil partner status, sexual orientation, political views, pregnancy, maternity or disability, save where this can be justified in the case of indirect discrimination or discrimination arising from disability but only where this can be justified or where other practices, provisions or criterions are applied which are a proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim or otherwise where legislation permits us to do so.
No advertising copy will state or imply a preference, which would be in any way discriminatory against some candidates nor will any briefing given to Employment Agencies contain discriminatory inferences. All dealings with colleagues, customers and suppliers must be conducted in a proper and appropriate manner that will not give rise to discrimination on any grounds.
You have a responsibility to ensure that discrimination in any form does not occur.
You should be aware that discrimination can take many different forms, including:
All Managers are responsible for eliminating any discrimination or harassment of which they are aware.
Failure to do so will be considered a dereliction of duty.
If you believe that you have been the subject of discrimination or harassment you should raise the matter through the grievance procedure and or anti-harassment and bulling policy as appropriate.
While the overall responsibility rests with the Company, individual employees at all levels also have responsibilities. In particular, employees:
Breach of the equal opportunity policy is potentially a serious disciplinary matter. Anyone who believes that he/she may have been disadvantaged on discriminatory grounds is entitled to raise the matter through the grievance procedure or our anti-harassment and bulling policy as appropriate.